Often we get letters from players asking questions on how to progress through the game, or how to get unstuck from certain areas. This page will try to address the most frequent questions submitted.

Q:My moon phase has been stuck and yet I'm not dead?

A:Many think this is a graphical bug or error, but it's not. While the moon phase speed isn't dictated by any whole number, it's GUI is. So the game currently thinks your speed should be zero, but it's actually something extremely small, like 0.0005, and rounding down to preserve memory and not cache unnecessary values.

Q: I got stuck in the tunnel in the Fisherman's Dream, I can't exit from either end!

A: This is unfortunately a bug that was missed with our initial production run, but has since been fixed on later copies. This error is known as a seam break, and has been reported at the tunnel in Fisherman's Dream. Please exit the stage via the menu.

Q:Are there any plans to publish an official guidebook?

A:We are currently negotiating with publishers at Nintendo for a limited release print magazine to be sold as the official Nightcap guidebook. Our slated release is spring 1998.